Hwibidu Group provides its clients with comprehensive security services that include the availability of well-trained and disciplined guards. We concentrate on a holistic approach to security service provision and offer our clients our commitment and dedication. We are well aware of the general lawlessness in South Africa today.

Experience has taught us that criminal activities, including opportunistic theft, syndicate activities and even civil action, are to be considered when implementing our security solutions.

Crime has a decided impact on not only the continuity of business but also directly affects the bottom line.

To this end, we base our service model on all threat elements affecting a client, designing and implementing bespoke solutions to ensure secure and safe environments wherever we are contracted

Staying ahead

Fighting Crime Together

Hwibidu Group has well-established relationships with the South African Police Service (SAPS) as well as with the local neighbourhood watches and community policing forums (CPF).

We collaborate with Law Enforcement and Emergency Services as well other Security Service Providers to ensure information as well as mitigation methods are shared.

Crisis and Emergency Management

We develop crisis management and emergency plans to direct site-specific and event-specific application of previously agreed strategies to deal with a sudden and significant negative event, while maintaining business continuity at clients’ sites and operations.

Our clearly defined crisis and emergency plans involve implementing policies and procedures to defend, mitigate and prevent crises proactively, following a 5-phase approach.

As a fully integrated member of and contributor to the South African security industry, Hwibidu uses its established networks to collect and share information on crime, unrest and environmental threats that can affect our clients.

This enables us to proactively manage threats and mitigate the risks identified by our collaborative networks.

Starting up a new service

Hwibidu follows a tested new contract implementation plan, breaking down those tasks and activities in WBS-format, necessary for us to assume responsibility from the commencement date. These activities include:

  • The transfer of staff,
  • Establishment of the security environment,
  • Setup of the security management system,
  • Implementing workplace logistics, and
  • Deploying any necessary interim processes and tools

Our five-stage start-up process is an effective and necessary series of outlined procedures. This five-stage start-up process includes the following components:

Site Surveys and updated risk assessments may indicate the need for additional manpower. In these cases, Hwibidu deploys well-trained officers proportionate to the risk on client request

Ensuring safe environments at events

Our Special Event Security services are aimed at the protection of property and people. All aspects of special events security are considered, documented, and legally required plans availed prior to the event to comply with applicable laws and bylaws.

Our presence and visibility, determined by the nature and risk level of your event, always ensure we are close to protect discreetly, courteously and efficiently

We are good at ensuring safe and secure event destinations, assuring tight security to VIP’s, the event venue and event participants without intruding on the spirit of the event.

Fully compliant, competent, and registered armed guards are available on request.

Protecting your people and assets on the road

Hwibidu’s approach to protecting persons and assets in transit is to tightly monitor and control the full lifecycle of an armed escort or close protection operation.  Especially VIPs usually are individuals with greater concern for security, privacy, and confidentiality.

This requires heightened levels of service, security, and privacy. From the initial location of the principal or asset, through the movement to the destination must be tightly controlled. This includes the areas in which the principal or asset be located as well as the entire facility and the routes leading to the facility on a 24/7 schedule.